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2011 Conference Champions!

2011 Seattle University Redhawks
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March 11, 2012
The Redhawks took 2 of the 3 games in their season-opener series against Eastern Washington University. Everyone hit extremely well the first game including Adam Johnson how had two triples and Keegan Mitchell with a triple of his own. And with Marco Santos hitting a walk off double scoring Colin Cabatbat and Anthony Clifford, the third game was won in the last inning with 2 outs! Although the team realizes they still have much to work on, this series was a great way to start the season. The Redhawks are hoping to pick up some more wins in their next series this coming weekend in Salem, OR against Central Oregon Community College.
February 1, 2012
The start of the season is just over a month away! Non-conference games have been scheduled for the first weekend in March with the College of Western Idaho. The Redhawks will travel down to Meridian, ID to play CWI and start off the season.
The guys have been working hard and putting in the extra effort in order to prepare themselves for what is looking to be a promising season. With a large increase in the roster size, the team has the skill and the depth it needs to make this year one to remember.
Questions or concerns? Want to help support the Redhawks?
Contact Nathan Motsinger at motsinge@seattleu.edu
Last updated: 04-01-2012
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